School of Mechanical Engineering and Safety Engineering

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Presentation in Business and Science

Lecturer Term Offered credit points
Dr. Melanie Ebener Summer/Winter term 1 credit point

Those interested must register in advance.

Learning objectives of the course "Presenting in Business and Science"


If you work in occupational health and safety, you often have to present facts: e.g. in front of employees who are supposed to behave in a safety-conscious manner, or in front of management who you want to convince of the benefits of a measure. In scientific work, too, you often pass on your findings in presentations. Form and content must then be convincing. Therefore, I offer a seminar with these topics:

• How do I systematically prepare a presentation, a lecture?
• How do I create "good" visualisations?
• Voice, language, body - important instruments of presenting
• What do I do if... (Spontaneities, incidents, breakdowns - and always that stage fright!)
• Ways of presenting and interacting in Zoom

You can only learn to present well by presenting. Therefore, you will prepare visualisations and a short presentation and present them in the seminar. You will receive detailed feedback and tips on how to improve in the future.

For a credit point, you are required to participate in the entire seminar, give your own presentation and - if necessary - revise it after the seminar. The presentation of a Bachelor's or study thesis (for practice purposes) is possible by arrangement.