School of Mechanical Engineering and Safety Engineering

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Academic research

Lecturer Term Examination Regulations Module block Module
Dipl.-Psych. Melanie Ebener Winter term 2017 Application, interdisciplinary compulsory elective section, Bachelor's thesis with colloquium Academic Research

The course always takes place in winter term.


Term papers can be written at any time if the chairs supervise them. Please note that the Department of Occupational Health Science makes attendance of the course a prerequisite for being allowed to start the term paper. For other departments, please enquire about the respective conditions.

For whom is the course?

The " Tutorial in Academic research" is recommended for BSc Safety Engineering and BSc Safety Engineering (dual) students from the 3rd semester onwards. It takes place in four or five sessions in the winter semester. The format is lecture sessions with interactive elements. Overall responsibility lies with Dr. Melanie Ebener, Department of Occupational Health Science.
Participation in the tutorial is not compulsory. There is no credit point. Individual sessions can also be attended.

Compulsory elective course in the Master's programme: Since the credit point in the course is earned with an ungraded performance (term paper), the course cannot be taken as an elective in the Master's programme.

What are the benefits of participating in the tutorial?

You learn things directly for the term paper in the subject "Academic Research" and your bachelor's thesis. You save yourself searching, guesswork and mistakes later on.

If you have passed a short Moodle test for each session, the following departments will credit you for the time spent writing the term paper " Academic Research":
Occupational Science (Hasselhorn), Occupational Safety (Kahl), Safety and Quality Law (Pieper), Civil Protection/Disaster Relief/Object Safety (Fiedrich).
Please clarify the details with the respective department.

At the Department of Occupational Health Science, attendance of this course is also now a prerequisite for writing a scientific paper (term paper, student research project, thesis) at the department.

Learning objectives of the course " Academic Research"
The students are informed about different theories and definitions of science and research and can relate these to issues in safety engineering. They are familiar with the basics of gaining scientific knowledge. They can analyse scientific studies and works and draw conclusions independently. They are familiar with the systematic procedure of scientific work including the procurement of information. The students can apply the knowledge they have learned to the independent presentation and preparation of written work on scientific issues.