School of Mechanical Engineering and Safety Engineering


When What and Where
06.2017 Doctorate „Die Erfassung der Motivation, erwerbstätig zu sein, in arbeitswissenschaftlichen Studien“
since 01.2016 Senior Researcher, Department of Occupational Health Science, University of Wuppertal
08.2009 - 12.2015 Researcher, Department "Occupational safety/ergonomics" University of Wuppertal
05.2008 Diploma in Psychology (Dipl.-Psych.), minor subject: human resources management, University of Wuppertal, Germany Coach
Until 2008 Activities in - Personnel (focus assessment centre) - Personnel development (behaviour-oriented training) - Adult education (EDV)
Other Training in work management coaching® (Frevel & Gruber, 2009) Training coaching according to effective factors (Wissemann, 2006)