Department of Occupational Health Science

Gebäude der Universität


Network on the Coordination and Harmonisation of European Occupational Cohorts

Abstract: Europe currently has some of the most valuable occupational, industrial, and population cohorts worldwide. The lack of integration of these cohorts hampers the optimal exploitation of these resources, essential to underpin evidence-based interventions and policy. The overarching concept of the Network on the Coordination and Harmonization of European Occupational Cohorts (OMEGA-NET) is to create a network to optimize the use of occupational, industrial, and population cohorts at the European level. OMEGA-NET will advance i) collaboration of existing cohorts, with extensive contemporary information on employment and occupational exposures, ii) coordination and harmonization of occupational exposure assessment efforts, and iii) facilitation of an integrated research strategy for occupational health in Europe. OMEGA-NET will inventory numerous cohorts with occupational information in Europe; implement an online interactive tool with detailed information on existing cohorts; facilitate work on harmonization of occupational exposure and health outcome information and new protocols for data collection; connect scientific communities on occupational health in Europe and beyond; and provide networking, leadership, and training opportunities for early career researchers in occupational epidemiology and exposure assessment. The Department of Occupational Health Science at the University of Wuppertal contributes with the lead of a subgroup on “work and employment participation” within Work Group 3. The work will provide a foundation for an enhanced evidence base for the identification of health risks and gains related to occupation and employment to foster safe and healthy preventive strategies and policies

Duration: 10.2017 bis 10.2022

Funding: EU Commission, COST Action

Cooperation: International network

Project Support/Dept. of Occupational Health Science: Prof. Hans Martin Hasselhorn, University of Wuppertal

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OMEGA-NET Editorial