Department of Occupational Health Science


Medical rehabilitation and return to work in the ageing workforce

a lidA cohort study

The study examines medical rehabilitation and occupational reintegration measures for older employees in Germany on a longitudinal basis – with a view to longer employment.

Duration: 01.06.2021 - 30.06.2026

Funding: Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (German Statutory Pension Insurance Association)

Project Management: Prof. Hans Martin Hasselhorn, University of Wuppertal

Scientific Management : PD. Dr. med. Jean-Baptist du Prel, M.P.H., University of Wuppertal

Project Coordination: PD Dr. med. Jean-Baptist du Prel, M.P.H., University of Wuppertal

Scientific Advisory Board:

Prof. Dr. Matthias Bethge, Lübeck University

Dr. Jürgen Breckenkamp, Bielefeld University

Prof. Dr. PH Patrick Brzoska, MSc, EMPH, Witten/Herdecke University

Sabine Erbstößer, DRV Bund

Maria Mader, M.Sc. Public Health, Bielefeld University

Prof. PD Dr. Birgit Prodinger, TU Rosenheim

Charlotte Schröder, MSc, BAuA Dortmund

Dipl. Soz. Pia Zollmann, DRV Bund