Fachgebiet Arbeitswissenschaft

ICOH SC Aging and Work


The scientific committee “Aging and work” is interested in the relationship between aging workers and the work environment. An aging society will require people to work for longer and this will necessitate a focus on matching work to individual’s capacities which change across the life course.
Our focus is to connect researchers that have an interest in aging and the work environment through a range of activities. We also aim to work with other scientific committees who also have an interest in these areas.
Our members disseminate relevant information on conferences or events that are related to the area of aging and work.
We welcome new members that are interested in the area. Please contact the secretary with your details and a brief CV if you would like to join.

News, Newsletter, Minutes

New Publications, Reports, Presentations

Rohrbacher, M., Hasselhorn, H. M., & Matilla-Santander, N. (2024). Associations between precarious employment trajectories and mental health among older workers in Germany: Vertical and horizontal inequalities. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.5271/sjweh.4160

2024 06 12 Recommended by Hans Martin Hasselhorn:

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Center for Prevention, Lifestyle and Health, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands &  Department of Public and Occupational Health, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, The Netherlands
Contact: Karin.proper[at]rivm.nl

Professor in Health Promotion and Policy in the Occupational Context, and Chief Science Officer. I have a background in Human Movement Sciences with a specialization in Work & Health, and Epidemiology. I started my research on the topic of physical activity at the workplace. Afterwards, my research focused on health (promotion) of the working population. I have a specific interest in the role of lifestyle behavior in the health effects of working conditions. My research aims to promote the health the general working population, as well as specific working groups, including informal care workers, working women during menopause and aging workers.

Research Interest: Sustainable employability of aging workers, work and health of older workers.

Department of Occupational Health Science, University of Wuppertal, Germany
Contact:  hasselhorn[at]uni-wuppertal.de
www.arbwiss.uni-wuppertal.de, www.lida-studie.de

OHP, Professor, Head of Department of Occupational Health Science. At the beginning of my career, I researched “OH in Health Care”, then “work ability” and for twenty years the “transition from work to retirement”. My department conducts the representative German Cohort Study on Work, Age, Health and Employment, lidA.

Research Interest: Older workers’ transition from work to retirement, re-integration, stay at work research, work and health of older workers.


Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Contact: tianan.yang[at]bit.edu.cn

Dr. rer. biol. hum. Tianan Yang serves as the associate professor at the School of Management, Beijing Institute of Technology. He completed his undergraduate medical studies at Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2008, and later specialized in Medical Informatics and Healthcare Management at Peking Union Medical College, Tsinghua University in 2011. He earned his PhD in Public Health from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in Germany in 2014.
His research interests include aging & sustainale development, presenteeism & health behavior. By focusing on the sustainable employability of the aging population and absenteeism or presenteeism caused by health issues, Professor Yang aims to help organizational managers better cope with the challenges of occupational health and workplace aging.

La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia

Contact: j.oakman[at]latrobe.edu.au


Professor Jodi Oakman is the leader of the Centre for Ergonomics and Human Factors at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. An accomplished ergonomist and human factors specialist, Professor Oakman has transitioned from a diverse range of industry roles into academia, where she now leads research aimed at enhancing both physical and mental health in the workplace. Her innovative translational research includes the development of the APHIRM (A Participative Hazard Identification and Risk Management) Toolkit, which aids organizations in mitigating stress-related mental health issues and musculoskeletal disorders using a participative approach. Currently, she leads research which are based in systems thinking and principles of implementation science to advance work-related health and well-being and support sustainable working lives that enable older workers to maintain employment.

She is the recent past chair of the ICOH SC in ageing and work (2018-2024), and was secretary from 2012-2018.

Contact us:

Karin Proper (Chair) Karin.proper[at]rivm.nl

Hans Martin Hasselhorn (Secretary) hasselhorn[at]uni-wuppertal.de